neuer markt vorwahlen GOP 2015

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  • neuer markt vorwahlen GOP 2015

    gruener (Luddit), 01.07.2015 04:37

    ich habe den markt zunächst mit 5 personen-aktien aufgesetzt.

    falls ein kandidat fehlen sollte:

    • entweder sofort - dh noch vor dem start - melden
    • ansonsten werden weitere kandidaten durch aktien-split in den laufenden markt gebracht

    im weiteren plane ich für den (spät-)herbst zwei weitere märkte:

    • Wahlmännermarkt GOP-Kandidat 2016
    • Wahlmännermarkt DEM-Kandidat 2016

    weiß jemand um die genaue anzahl der wahlmänner/wahlfrauen bei GOP und DEM?

  • RE: neuer markt vorwahlen GOP 2015

    drui (MdPB), 01.07.2015 12:50, Reply to #1

    Später splitten ist auch ok, das macht es spannender. Ich sehe von den Namensaktien eigentlich nur zwei Kandidaten mit realistischen Chancen, der rest scheint mir überbewertet.

  • RE: neuer markt vorwahlen GOP 2015

    Jack Bauer, 01.07.2015 15:49, Reply to #2

    Welche da wären?

  • RE: neuer markt vorwahlen GOP 2015

    drui (MdPB), 03.07.2015 07:16, Reply to #3

    Das ist geheim.

  • RE: neuer markt vorwahlen GOP 2015

    Dr.Ottl, 03.07.2015 17:52, Reply to #4

    das ist gemein ;)

  • Freaks

    drui (MdPB), 04.07.2015 22:08, Reply to #5

    Versöhne Dich mit der Unterhaltung!

    Donald Trump hat kurz vor unserem Marktstart im Freakshow-Wahlkampf eine erste Duftmarke gesetzt. Gleich zu Beginn seiner langatmigen Wahlkampfrede kommt er zum Wesentlichen: Aus Mexiko kommen nur Drogendealer, Schmuggler und Vergewaltiger. Damit steigt er in Umfragen erst mal auf den 2. Platz auf, dafür hat er viele Sponsoren und Businesspartner verloren.

    Nun greift er per Twitter auch den rechten Tea-Party-Kandidaten Marco Rubio an, der mit seinem Cubanischen Migrationshintergrund wenig begeistert war:

    Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

    has zero credibility on securing our border. Nothing has been more “divisive” than the outright lies. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) used to try and sell his amnesty for illegal immigrants to the American people. Hard working Americans cannot depend on Senator Rubio to protect their jobs. Senator Rubio’s “Gang of Eight” bill, which was such an epic failure it never even came up for a vote in the House, would have given President Obama the immediate power to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. ibility-outright-lies-to-sell-amnesty/

    Der in Umfrage führende Jeb Bush nimmt Trumps Äußerungen persönlich, ist er doch mit einer Mexikanerin verheiratet:

    Asked if he took Mr. Trump’s remarks personally, given his family, Mr. Bush – a normally mild-mannered fellow — turned a little cross.

    “Yeah, of course it – absolutely – and a lot of other people” did as well, he said. “But politically, we’re going to win when we’re hopeful and optimistic and big and broad rather than errrrr, grrrr, just angry all the time. This is an exaggerated form of that, and there is no tolerance for it.”

    Der aussichtslose Kandidat Chris Christie hingegen hat mit Trumps Äußerungen keine Probleme:

    “I like Donald. He’s a good guy,” Mr. Christie said. “And as I said right from the beginning, he’ll be as serious a candidate as he wants to be. Those are his choices.” -takes-donald-trumps-remarks-personally/

  • RE: Freaks

    drui (MdPB), 11.07.2015 16:03, Reply to #6

    Eine tolle Analyse, warum die GOP immer solchdurchgeknallten Kandidaten hyped und warum deren Rassismus kein Trump-Problem sondern ein strukturelles ist:

    We've seen it all before. (...) First there was Michele Bachmann. Then Rick Perry. Then Herman "9-9-9" Cain. Then Newt Gingrich. Then Rick Santorum. Each briefly became the champion and standard-bearer for the same restless, angry faction in the party that's now coalescing around Trump (and Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson — and to a lesser extent Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, and, once more, Santorum).


    But that faction's roots go back much further than 2012 — all the way back to the origins of the modern conservative movement in the right-wing populism [] of the postwar John Birch Society and similar groups. They were a ragtag conglomeration of ideological radicals animated by rage against various actors, forces, trends, and policies in mid-20th-century American life: the New Deal, Big Government, communists, negroes, elites, decadent city folk, Catholics, Jews, immigrants, feminists, homosexuals, and secularists. Some feared them all, others focused on one or a few. All of them saw the world through a fog of paranoia and conspiracy.


    That's how we've ended up with a vulgar blowhard like Donald Trump riding high (almost certainly for a brief time) in the polls. Trump's policy positions (to the extent that he's bothered to articulate them) place him on the far-right flank of American political culture. He delights in deploying racist innuendos. He is temperamentally and experientially unqualified to be president. He's also a mediocre businessman who only managed to turn the tens of million of dollars he inherited [] from his father into a larger fortune, and avoid squandering it in reckless investments, through the generosity of the country's corporate bankruptcy laws (of which he's taken fulsome advantage on four separate occasions []). (..)

    What the Republican Party needs isn't more courageous candidates and elites. It's a new electorate. nservative-base-problem

    Goold luck with that.

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